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Who or what is The World Institute of Excellence?
The institute is not the physical building; it is the people who administer practices and principals, which are designed to evolve you. It is the philosophy and practice of excellence in every area of your life, which in turn enables you to become the best possible version of yourself, and thus produce a life that can be considered `extraordinary'.
What We Do

Aside from setting people free from challenges ranging from depression and anxiety to low self-esteem, phobias, PTSD, panic syndrom, adictions etc, we also channel our focus on transforming you into the best possible version of yourself by engaging correct practices/utilization of the four key pillars of Life.  So whatever your background or goal may be, we can help you create the interior that will effect the exterior, which will bring you the desired results. The pillars are:​


Spiritual –  Before you were formed in the womb you were known, and before you were born you were given a purpose. When you were brought into this world you inheritted a name and a  personality.  Who IS you before you learnt to become the person that you think you are?  You will discover who you are and why you´re here when you discover your True Essence. â€‹


Relationships – This is defined as your relationship with both yourself and others – family, friends, lovers, colleagues etc. Your vision of yourself is responsible for your self-esteem, and excellence in relationships will determine both your level of success and the quality of your life.



​Health – This is defined as the leveraging of physical, mental & emotional health; external appearance and posture in order to improve quality of life, as well as create and transmit a powerful presence, which can be felt by others.



Resources – This is defined as the intelligent leveraging of your gifts, talents, abilities, qualifications and/or experiences in order to attain financial and other objectives. Creation of legacy is often discussed here.

Please note that the work we do is often donated to people from  trauma and abuse situations that cannot afford to pay for our services.  We are also dedicated to providing  food and other resources to the needy and afflicted, so please consider helping us to bring the change they desperately need.  Thank you.

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Who is the real you, before  you learnt to become the person you think you are?

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