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The world is made up of a diversity of people with various types of personal insecurities, emotional challenges, addictions and more.  The Alpha Protocol is a system designed to permanently emancipate you from such challenges by unleashing the alpha that exists within each of us and place you firmly in control.  While the "alpha male" is a popular expression, we know that the alpha female is just as capable and dangerous.  Overcome your challenges and become the person, whose very presencre commands attention.

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At some point in your life you have asked yourself "who am I and/or why am I here?"  You believe that you´re here for a purpose but you don´t know exactly what it is.    Many speak of reincarnation but never pre-incarnation.  Before you were concieved into this world and given your mission who were/are you?   Who were/are you before you learned the ways of this world and adopted the personality you have?  With True Essence all these quesions will be answered, and you will reignite the gifts that lie dormant within you.  "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."  What were you ordained for?

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It is said that the children of God saw the daughters of men; that they were fair, and thus went in unto them. What resulted in what was considered by some to be an abominable act between rebellious spiritual hosts and human beings, was the birth of a civilisation of ‘others’, that have existed among us for longer than we know.


While the majority have been happy to conceal their true identity and discreetly co-exist with us, there are those with nothing but disdain for our kind, and the time has come for them to make their presence felt…

"Be kind to strangers, for in so doing some have entertained angels unawares."

Coming soon

Who is the real you, before  you learnt to become the person you think you are?

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