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PTSD, Depression, Anxiety & Other Emotional Challenges.

As a therapist I have worked with many different people from many different backgrounds, (including police & military) countries and cultures, and I have discovered that all emotional challenges can be eradicated.  Furthermore, the old adage that we´re all different and that what may work for one may not necessarily work for the other is also not true because everybody that I have ever worked with, irrespective of country or culture, have all overcome by using the Alpha Protocol system.  

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Physical & Mental Posture Reconstruction

Your physical posture can literally affect your mental and emotional state and vice versa.  Bad physical posture can affect your respiratory system and blood flow, hernia of the disc, intestinal problems and much more.     In order to adequately and permanently resolve this, both mental and physical posture techniques are used.  This promotes better health, greater self-confidence, as well as arming the client with a more powerful presence - the example of the man or woman who walks into the room and commands attention without words.  This program is also used to create/elevate self-esteem in the insecure person.

The Elite Athlete Program

Athletic development and performance are determined by physical training and mental state. Knowing what we know about the profound effects of the conscious and subconscious on the physical body, we have been able to take an athlete of any level and rapidly transform them into a stronger, faster and more fearless version of themselves within their chosen sport. An increase in stamina is also a result of this program, as triggers are established in order to quickly eradicate tiredness, and recuperate faster.

Youth Paradigm Reconstruction

We consistently see large numbers of youths on what could be referred to as ´the wrong track´, due to the various types of influences induced by situations at home and/or outside, resulting in consequences ranging from insecurity to frustration, peer pressure to violence and worse.  The Youth Reconstruction program has proven its capacity to rapidly modify paradigms and transform our youths, and thus cultivate and restore them as useful contributing members of society.

SENSE Inglés

The majority of learners of English either find English difficult to pick up, or they just quit all together due to the tradditionally long and boring methods utilized by the schools and teachers.  If you are interested in acquiring fluent English in less time, and completing the course grammatically sound without the headache of months/years of painful grammar studies, then SENSE Inglés is for you.  Mental tools are utilized (if or when required) to enable you to overcome your mental blocks.  You will learn fast.

Who is the real you, before  you learnt to become the person you think you are?

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