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  • DJ / Producer

  • Music includes: Freed From Desire, Never Never, Starlight & Feel This Way (out now)

  • Label: Universal Music

I have served my country - something I am exrremely proud of, but I sustained an injury on a tour.  I was always physically active, so to not be able to do the things I used to be able to do left me feeling like half the man I was.  This led me down the downward spiral of depression and dependency on prescriptions, which eventually led to drinking and harder stuff.  I even did a stint on the homeless front.  All I can say is that today I am clean and off the streets.  I am using my time to give back and getting my sh*t together.  Neville thanks for not quitting on me even when I wanted to quit on myself.  I know it wasn´t easy.  I´ll be sending a bunch of people your way, that can also do with your help .  Veteran / Texas USA (prefers to remain anonymous)
I had depression for about 30 years because of an abusive marriage, which also effected my kids.  They became drug users and that made things worse for me.  I was taking 8 different types of medication (15 pills per day) for my condition. I developed other problems because of all the medication I was taking.  I had very few sessions with the therapist at the Institute and I was cured.  I didn´t think it was possible to live without depression. I also didn´t need the medication any more, which resulted in my health improving a lot. I thank God.  Eleusa / England UK / Retired.
I was incarcerated for a small incident, which I had no problem with.  But  the asshole prison guards decided for whatever reason to put a convicted pedafile in my cell and sh*t happened.  This resulted in me getting a double sentence. I did my time but when I came out a lot had changed.  I met a guy who introduced me to a guy, and through him I met Neville from the World Institute. I didn´t have depression or drug problems or any of that crap; it was more like spiritual counselling.  He gave me direction.  I can now build a life without fear of going back in.  Jake / Colorado / USA
I was 15 years of age when I was introduced to the Institute of Excellence.  I was drinking, smoking and skipping school and hanging out with the boys.  After only one session, which I didn´t even realise was a session because it was so casual, I just know that I changed.  I think he used hypnosis so I can´t tell you the details cos I don´t remember lol, all I can say is that I have felt different ever since. I quit smoking and drinking and focused on goals.  He must have programmed me or something because he made me believe that I would become a successful business woman, something that had never even entered my imagination.  Anyway now I am almost 18 years old and I have already had my own little shop, selling make up, I am a partner in a clothing store and the people you see behind me are in my restaurant. -  yep I own it.  I also intend to expand.  Daniela / Young Enttrepreneur / Belgium.
My session at the World Institute of Excellence was very different to what I imagined.  I did the Elite Athlete Program, which to my surprise had nothing to do with physical training.  And after the program my stamina levels went through the roof.  Everytime I hear the whistle blow I feel a surge of energy and I recuperate immediately.  I also have more courage with the ball and my game is more aggressive, as I have no fear of making mistakes like I had before.  Marcelo /  Soccer player / Florida USA.
For most of my adult life I suffered from panic syndrome, I could not go to certain places, and I was taking a lot of medication including sleeping tablets.  I had 2 sessions of therapy at the institute and that was it.  I got my life back.  Dona Clara / Sao Paolo Brazil

Who is the real you, before  you learnt to become the person you think you are?

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